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Phoenix Woman

Go get 'em, Howard!

Fortunately, my Minnesota DNC delegates are all in Dean's camp. We just have to make it crystal-clear that nobody else will do.


I have been seeing some buzz about Kerry attempting to "vet" the potentials for DNC chair (for example, by asking them to remain neutral in presidential picks for 2008). Very disturbing.

Rebuilding the Democrat party is already a task of Herculean magnitude without this kind of backdoor manipulation.

Anyway, in addition to cheering for Dean as DNC chair, we should all make clear that in addition to rebuilding the party itself, Dems should start working more cooperatively with other progressive, third-party candidates and with independents (including supporting them in local campaigns). In 99.9% of the cases, an independent, Green, or (liberal/progressive) Dem is about good as any other in resisting RepubliNazis. Merely because a worthy candidate has the wrong "party affiliation label" should not preclude support for them (or worse, prompt attacks against them).


Kerry has been a huge disappointment: From the time he did nothing to counter the swift boat lies to this. What happened to the balls he had in Vietnam and the ones he brought home with him to lead the vets against the war. He's officially on my slate of submissive Dems.

private jet charter

We should all make clear that in addition to rebuilding the party itself, Dems should start working more cooperatively with other progressive, third-party candidates and with independents.


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