Over at Blue Oregon Kari Chisholm poses a provocative question to right-wingers regarding "Bush's Spy Program"?
I have only four words for our most right-wing friends who are jumping to the defense of this radical expansion of presidential power:
President Hillary Rodham Clinton
Just ponder that for a moment.
Now, I don't know if Hillary's ever going to be elected president, and that's not the point. But someday, somehow, whatever your definition of left-wing wacko looks like is going to get elected president - with whatever nightmares that means for you. (Guns? Gays? Hairy Feminists? Mass Transit Absolutists?)
And I ask you this: Are you really sure - really, really sure - that you want George W. Bush to have expanded presidential powers this far? To have established a precedent that the president's national security apparatus can spy on any American citizen, living anywhere in America, with only his or her own staff to provide a check on that power?
Don't stoop to the kind of ignorance that leads some righties to believe that if Bush can't have his own personal spy program that terrorists will take over. This kind of defense is an example of dangerous idiocy. The President has legal options available to him through FISA warrants, which he chose to sidestep, that allow him to spy on people.