As a tax paying Oregonian you have a great opportunity each year to influence the direction this state and its communities take. Through the Oregon political tax credit program you can reduce the amount of taxes you pay to the state by $50 ($100 married/filing jointly) if you donate that $50 to a political candidate or organization. It's a use it or lose it type of deal and you have three days left to make that contribution before you lose it for the '05 tax year.
I encourage you to donate your tax credit to BusPAC because of the new forward thinking approach to grass/netroots organizing the organization takes.
For example, at Onward Oregon, which is part of BusPAC, we work together with single issue groups such as 1000 Friends of Oregon, Basic Rights Oregon, labour groups, community groups that are fighting Wal-Mart proposals, etc. Simply put, OO is the thread that weaves these separate groups into the larger progressive fabric of grassroots organizing. The result has been successful campaigns that have accomplished blocking a Wal-Mart proposal in Gresham, preventing the exacerbation of Measure 37, protecting the minimum wage and much more.
Furthermore, the organizations involved in BusPAC played a huge role in the gains that were made in the Oregon legislative elections in '04, and they will be again with your help in '06.
So donate your tax credit to the BusPAC today and help us get progressive leaders elected to the Oregon legislature in '06!
For more info on this cool deal and how it works check out