Recently on this blog I wrote about the Gordon Smith Dog and Pony Show sponsored by the Oregonian and directed by the Republican leadership. In part I of the dog and pony show, Smith "courageously" came out against the draconian 50 billion dollar GOP House cuts to Medicaid, food stamps and student loans, even though he had supported 10 billion in cuts in the Senate's version of the bill. The O praised him for his opposition to the House cuts, making it appear as if the Senate's cuts never existed. It seemed as if Smith opposed any cuts at all.
Well, this morning the GOP leadership was able to give Smith enough cover, along with four other Republican Senators who desperately need it, to vote against the cuts. But the blue state GOP Senators' votes really didn't matter because the bill passed 51-50 with the Veep casting the tie-breaker. How convenient for Smith! It was Part II of the Gordon Smith Dog and Pony Show.
And where will Smith stand on extending tax cuts for the wealthiest of Americans?
I've written more on this ongoing d & p show over at the Onward Oregon Blog.